my work
essay + written task
Haiku poetry + collage
Part of the exploratory stage – Art Foundation Diploma.
"Haiku is an expression of direct experience, not an expression of an idea about the experience. Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) is credited with making the first three lines of renka into stand-alone poems that we know as haiku."
Typically, Haiku poetry follows three rules: each poem has three lines, with five syllables in the first and third lines, and seven syllables in the second line. During the first stage of my art foundation course, I was given the chance to experiment with maybe a more simplified form of Haiku! I wrote a series of poems based on my summer experiences, which then led to me photocopying and collaging pages of my summer sketchbook, selecting colours and shapes that directly responded to these experiences. I looked at typography here too, choosing type that wouldn't distract from the imagery it sits on top of.